
ICPE Korea is located in Seoul, South Korea. Titus Choi is the sole ICPE missionary. Beginning with joining the mission in 1993, Titus was previously part of ICPE New Zealand for 13 years. In 2007 the Institute for World Evangelization- ICPE Mission Korea was accepted into the Seoul Diocese, and Titus began the ICPE Korea branch in 2008. It is the only Lay Mission Organization in South Korea.

The Vatican’s call for Korea to minister to Asia resounded in Titus’ heart. He returned to Korea from New Zealand to start a mission center location. The Holy Father called Korea in particular to minister to Asia because of its freedom, along with the great potential to create a strong Catholic Church in Korea through the devout, practicing Korean Catholics. ICPE Korea is in close collaboration with the Korean Clergy.

Korea is a safe place to be– it is a democracy and its citizens have religious freedom. Korea has a particularly open atmosphere to accepting and practicing religions, compared with other Asian countries. Although it is not a Catholic country (roughly 10% are Catholic) Catholics have a good reputation. Their faith is more than a culture for them, adverse to many Catholic countries worldwide where religion has been reduced to merely an element of the culture and not to be practiced.

Generally, Korean Catholics scrupulously practice the faith and have a wonderful prayer life. Yet, unfortunately, there is always a tendency for the faith to be diminished to merely “culture” status. Titus tries to counter-act this. His focal point for teachings is the need for Catholics to LIVE the faith, and not to just outwardly go through the motions of a good Catholic. Even for Titus, “The important thing is, am I living out what I am teaching?”

Titus constantly preaches a 3-fold message to share the faith, prepare for eternity, and to know God more, in accordance with the ICPE charisms of worship and evangelization. Koreans are devout, which is wonderful soil to build upon. Titus consistently calls them to manifest God’s glory through the lives they lead. “If you do not become holy”, Titus teaches, “you cannot give glory to God.” There is the tendency to go through the motions of the Catholic faith- to pray out of habit. Catholics must make the faith a reality, so we must connect it to our daily lives. People need a deep conversion. “You do whatever you do for your eternal life!” Titus says. His goal is to foster a conversion of their hearts.

Titus rents out the Catholic Center in Seoul to hold various events. Ministries consist of:

Young Adult Ministry- Titus is very involved with the Seoul Diocese’s Young Adult Ministry, as well as those of the various surrounding dioceses. Three to four times a year they hold a faith-forming weekend retreat.

A week-long School of Missions is ran annually with the help of ICPE NZ and ICPE Philippines.
Titus periodically runs seminars for all people to attend, which He advertises in newsletters of the Seoul diocese.

At least once weekly he is invited by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal to give teachings to various prayer groups both inside and outside the diocese. Roughly 200 people may attend these groups.

Bible Study- Titus runs Bible Studies for two different groups, which are held once a week.

Lectures on Faith- twice a month he gives faith-forming lectures for a group in Suwon.

Titus runs the Seoul Diocese’s yearly Confirmation program, which roughly 150-200 students attend.

“Friends of ICPE”- Titus created a one-year program to train people before they help serve in the mission with him. It is an eight month program, and every Saturday they have teachings, sharing, and praise and worship time. This years’ formation began with 14 people, 2 of which went onto a NZ SOM.

“For-life” Ministry is the pro-life ministry of the Seoul Diocese, comparable to the JP II Institute. They do youth retreats and have teachings on pro-life topics such as the Catholic teachings of procreation and marriage. Titus teaches the Theology of the Body.

Involvement with other dioceses:
-Busan diocese: Titus assists with discipleship courses and weekend courses for young adults
-Suwon diocese: Titus works with vocation retreats and annual leadership courses

To keep updated with ICPE Korea, visit www.icpe.org.